You’re missing telephone calls now. , it’s that you can’t hear the phone ringing. In other cases coping with the garbled voice at the other end is simply too much of a hassle.
But it’s not simply your phone you’re avoiding. Last week you missed a round of golf with friends. This sort of thing has been taking place more and more. You can’t help but feel a little… isolated.
Your hearing loss is, obviously, the real cause. You haven’t really figured out how to incorporate your diminishing ability to hear into your day-to-day life, and it’s resulting in something that’s all too common: social isolation. Getting away from loneliness and back to being social can be tricky. But we have a few things you can try to do it.
First, Acknowledge Your Hearing Loss
Often you aren’t really certain what the cause of your social isolation is when it first starts to happen. So, recognizing your hearing loss is a big first step. That might mean making an appointment with a hearing specialist, getting fitted for hearing aids, and making it a point to keep those hearing aids maintained.
Telling people in your life that you have hearing loss is another step towards recognition. In many ways, hearing loss is a kind of invisible ailment. There’s no particular way to “look” like you’re hard of hearing.
So it isn’t something anyone will likely pick up on just by looking at you. To your friends and co-workers, your turn towards isolation could seem to be anti-social. Making people aware of your hearing loss can help those around you understand what you’re dealing with and place your responses in a different context.
You Shouldn’t Keep Your Hearing Loss Secret
Accepting your hearing loss–and informing the people around you about it–is an essential first step. Making sure your hearing remains consistent by having regular hearing checks is also significant. And it might help curb some of the initial isolationist inclinations you may feel. But there are several more steps you can take to combat isolation.
Make it so People Can See Your Hearing Aids
The majority of people think that a smaller more invisible hearing aid is a more ideal option. But it might be that making your hearing aid pop a little more could help you convey your hearing loss more deliberately to others. Some people even individualize their hearing aids with custom designs. You will motivate people to be more courteous when talking with you by making it more apparent that you are hard of hearing.
Get The Appropriate Treatment
If you aren’t correctly treating your hearing condition it will be quite a bit harder to deal with your hearing loss or tinnitus. Management could be very different depending on the situation. But wearing or properly adjusting hearing aids is usually a common factor. And your daily life can be substantially affected by something even this simple.
Let People Know How They Can Help You
It’s never fun to get yelled at. But there are some individuals who believe that’s the preferred way to communicate with someone who suffers from hearing loss. So letting people know how to best communicate with you is essential. Maybe instead of calling you via the phone, your friends can text you to plan the next pickleball game. If everybody is in the loop, you’re not as likely to feel the need to isolate yourself.
Put Yourself in Social Situations
In this age of internet-based food delivery, it’s easy enough to avoid all people for all time. That’s why intentionally placing people in your path can help you avoid isolation. Go to your local supermarket instead of ordering groceries from Amazon. Set up game night with friends. Social activities should be scheduled on your calendar. Even something as simple as going for a walk around your neighborhood can be a great way to see other people. This will help you feel less isolated, but will also help your brain continue to process sound cues and identify words correctly.
It Can be Hazardous to Become Isolated
If you’re isolating yourself because of untreated hearing loss, you’re doing more than curtailing your social life. Anxiety, depression, cognitive decline, and other mental concerns have been connected to this kind of isolation.
Being sensible about your hearing condition is the best way to keep yourself healthy and happy and to keep your social life on track, acknowledge the truths, and remain in sync with friends and family.